
All Soul’s Day 2019
Traditional Latin Mass on Sundays, weekdays and holy days of obligation
“Let the children come to Me and do not hinder them.” We welcome children among us, whether the unborn through our prolife witness or the young people at our summer Scripture camp and boating on the Patuxent River.
We host a crab feast for priests every July together with the Knights of Columbus. Please pray for priests.
We joyfully witness to God’s love which comes to us through any vocation to which we are called whether marriage, religious life or priesthood.
We love our friends which the Lord gives whether priests and seminarians from as far away as New York or as near as local teens.
We introduce neighbors and young people to the beauty of the immemorial Latin Mass.
Come and meet our growing group of young adults who seem to be so missing from weekly life in other parishes. You’ll find them at the 11 am Mass on Sundays and afterward at the hall for socializing over coffee and donuts.

Teens and families participate in bi-weekly Catholic faith formation and seasonal events such as our walking Stations of the Cross through the town of Benedict.
Corpus Christi processions through the town of Benedict witness the Faith to our neighbors.
Both adult and young men serve at all of our Masses where the Church’s need to encourage priestly vocations for the benefit of all is a priority. Eucharistic adoration and Benediction is offered each Wednesday evening.
The installation of a Carrara marble floor beautified our sanctuary and improved acoustics.

Father Philip Johnson, ordained priest this year for the Raleigh Diocese, on a visit to our parish during his seminary formation years.