We are located in Benedict, Maryland on the west bank of the Patuxent River south of Route 231 between Hughesville and Prince Frederick.
Saint Francis de Sales Catholic Church
Mailing address: PO Box 306, Benedict, MD 20612
Church address: 7185 Benedict Avenue
Hall address: 7209 Benedict Avenue
Pastor: Father Kevin M. Cusick
Email: cusickk@adw.org
Director of Liturgy/Secretary: Stephen Krautle
Email: stfrancisdesales.md@adw.org
Physical Plant/Maintenance: Jamie Scarlata
Email: 1619surfer@gmail.com
Hall and Grounds: Donna and Mark Long
Email: markboat55@yahoo.com
Bookkeeper: Dennis Haspert
Email: accounting.stfrancisdesales.md@adw.org
Bulletin: Stephen Krautle
Email: stfrancisdesales.md@adw.org
Parish Council President: Sid Marcus
Email: somarcus1@verizon.net
Office: 301-274-3416
Fax: 301-274-0689
For more info email: mcitl.blogspot.com@gmail.com